Annual Reports

2023 Impact Report

An Update From Our Leadership.

This years impact report highlights the incredible efforts of our donors and team working together. Despite operating with a skeleton crew for much of the year, our volunteers, employees, and board members united to serve a record number of veterans and their families in the Greater Fox Valley.

We broke records for the third consecutive year, assisting 518 veterans and distributing $207,663.96 in financial aid. Inflation, particularly in housing, food, and transportation costs, drove the increased need for support.

2018 Annual Report

Mission and Vision

The mission of the Fox Valley Veterans Council, Inc. is to solicit and coordinate community support for military veterans, those still serving, their families, and survivors. We collaborate with veteran service organizations and other public and private partners that support veterans – avoiding duplication of services and ensuring the effective use of resources. We inspire partnerships to identify and fill gaps in veteran services and raise funds to address specific problems or opportunities related to veteran needs in our community.