Our organization has the privilege of working with incredible people who are committed to serving our local military veteran families.
We see this daily from our dedicated volunteer caseworkers. Our organization's impact is only possible because of their dedication, our collective team, and the support of our community. But our volunteers, are truly the backbone of our Veterans Emergency Fund that make this happen.
Make it stand out
You can learn more about our impact from 2023 here. After all is said and done, 2024 will look similar.
Because of the service and sacrifice of our volunteers, countless veterans today still have a home; instead of slipping through the cracks into hopelessness, more have been provided emergency shelter at a hotel when other local shelter options were full or unavailable. Veterans have had their utilities paid to keep their lights on or help with costly car repairs or car payments to keep them on the road—the road to work, medical appointments, or new opportunities.
Our caseworkers are tireless advocates who work with the veterans we assist during their time of need. They help them navigate the many veteran and local resources, which, if done alone, can seem overwhelming, especially when someone is already in distress. We see their service, compassion, and peer support in action daily and are inspired by their resolve and commitment to our veterans and mission.
It is with great honor that we are proud to share that our Veteran of The Year is one of our caseworkers, Army Veteran Joyce Boss!
Our organization and community are fortunate to have Joyce continuing to give back to our fellow veterans. (Pictured above with her husband Randall). To say that Joyce is dedicated to our mission and veterans is an understatement.
She is extremely knowledgeable on local, state, and national resources. To the point that she uniquely customizes direct resources for everyone she speaks with.
She connects these veterans to additional or new resources that most people are completely unaware of or don't even have on their radar. But they make a significant difference in the lives of the veteran households we connect with.
To better understand the lengths that Joyce goes to in helping veteran families, you need to understand the extent of how Joyce actively listens to the people she interacts with and her perseverance, even as she is battling stage 4 cancer. Joyce stated, "You don’t know what someone’s story is." She takes the time to listen, and goes above and beyond. She’s even driven to bring food, gift cards, and warm blankets or clothing to meet people where they are.
But Joyce is quick to point out that she doesn’t want sympathy or to be remembered for her diagnosis.
There is so much more about Joyce, and we wanted to learn more and share more, as well as the news of this award with our community. Because-
Her story is important, her selfless service matters, her perseverance brings hope, and hope is a powerful word that changes lives.
To better understand part of Joyce’s story, we recently spoke with her and her husband, Randall. Here’s a little bit of her background. Thank you, Joyce, for allowing us to learn from you and for sharing a part of your story to inspire us and others further.
Joining The Military
Joyce is originally from Missouri. Like others, Joyce wanted to leave home to serve, travel, and meet different people.
Joyce served on Active Duty in the Army, the Army Reserves, and the Department of Defense. All in all, she served our nation for over 30 years! The journey brought her to live in 16 different places in the United States, including serving 13 months in South Korea. Her primary MOS (Military Occupations Skill) initially was a 92 Yankee, which involved logistics and supplies, and then 92 Foxtrot, which was petroleum operations. Joyce achieved the rank of an E-7, Sergeant First Class.
Favorite Memories in the Military
Joyce loves to travel across the country. Meeting people along the way during her military career was her favorite memory. Especially meeting her husband and fellow Army veteran, Randall.
If you love Rolling Stones, AC/DC, or are involved in the local Wisconsin Chapter of the Combat Veteran Motorcycle Association like CVMA 45-3, you likely meet Joyce or Randall or were at least at the same place as them! These are all part of their favorite adventures together. Naturally, as members of the CVMA 45-3, they spend as much time as they can enjoying their motorcycles and camaraderie with their fellow veterans.
What Is Your Favorite Type of Music?
Rock and metal. In fact, Joyce and Randall have even seen the Rolling Stones three times in three different states!
Any Plans for 2025?
Joyce and Randall plan to see AC/DC in concert in the Twin Cities in 2025! This concert is a pretty big deal! "AC/DC to kick off first US tour in 9 years in Minneapolis" (Swanson, ABC News, Dec. 2024).
Other plans include traveling down to Georgia for the CVMA® Nationals 2025 (Combat Veteran Motorcycle Association). Joyce said she was previously stationed in Georgia with the Army, so it will be great to visit again!
Making Wisconsin Home
Joyce said they used to take a map of the United States with them on their adventures and put push pins wherever they went for things that they liked about the new place they were at. They enjoyed their travels and adventures. Always making wherever they were their home.
But Wisconsin had plenty of things to do and had the most pins, including various sporting events like the Milwaukee Brewers, the Milwaukee Bucks, and the Green Bay Packers."Wisconsin felt like home." So a little over 7 years ago, they settled in Wisconsin. We are glad that you’re here!
Without further delay, please read the nomination below that our case manager, Rick, wrote.
FVVC Nomination for Veteran of The Year
“It is with great honor and admiration that I nominate Joyce Boss for the esteemed title of Veteran of the Year. A veteran whose service to our nation is as remarkable as her unwavering commitment to her community, Joyce Boss has demonstrated extraordinary leadership, resilience, and dedication. Her journey as a service member, coupled with her efforts to improve the lives of fellow veterans and others, makes her an exemplary candidate for this recognition.
Joyce began leveraging her experience and skills to serve others. Recognizing the unique challenges faced by fellow veterans, she became a tireless advocate for their rights and well-being through volunteer work and advocacy. She has made an indelible impact on her community and the veteran community at large.
One of her most significant post-service contributions has been her work as a case worker for the Fox Valley Veterans Council, which provides Emergency Assistance for Veterans in need through the Veterans Emergency Fund. Her work has directly impacted countless veterans over her more than 3 years performing casework, by advocating for veterans in need of basic requirements such as Rent, Mortgage, Transportation, Food Insecurity, mental health care and connection to a variety of community and veteran resources.
During the 2024 calendar year thus far, Joyce has worked 160 Cases, connecting each of those veterans to additional resources and securing financial assistance for eighty-six that were paid through the Veterans Emergency Fund.
Additionally, Joyce has tirelessly advocated for the betterment of Veterans going above and beyond her duties as a case worker by regularly meeting with local veteran’s service organizations such as various CVSO’s, DAV, HUDVASH, VA Social Workers, among others to ensure that veterans' needs are addressed and met. Through her unwavering efforts, she has become a pillar of support for many who have struggled to find their footing after service.
Her commitment to the future of our local veterans is unwavering, and she has shown time and again that true leadership is about what one achieves for others without regard to oneself. Through her work, Joyce Boss has created lasting change. An example of her direct impact is a veteran in their mid-seventies who has had multiple cases with the Fox Valley Veterans Council, starting at homelessness moving forward to a shelter, and ultimately into a more suitable housing situation as well as getting connected to Tri-County Dental for badly needed Dental Care. This is merely one small example of the impact her hard work and compassion as a volunteer case worker has on the veteran community. This type of dedication will continue to benefit our local veterans for years to come.
In summary, Joyce Boss embodies all the qualities we honor in our veterans: dedication, sacrifice, leadership, and service to others. Her contributions to the veteran community have been nothing short of transformative.
For her exceptional service, tireless advocacy, and commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of others, I wholeheartedly nominate Joyce Boss as Veteran of the Year.
Her story is one of perseverance, selflessness, and a deep commitment to the well-being of her fellow veterans, and it is my privilege to nominate her for this esteemed recognition.”
Please help us congratulate Joyce on being the Fox Valley Veterans Council of the Year as she continues to inspire us all with her continued service and her words.
"Life is an adventure. Make the most out of every day" - Joyce Boss