“Vietnam Veteran and St Nazianz resident John Koenig recently received an electric scooter donated by the Fox Valley Veterans Council, Inc., and coordinated through American Legion Post 477—St Nazianz, WI.
The scooter will assist John with mobility and help him become more self-reliant. John served in the USMC from 1968 to 1972 as a Combat Engineer.
Photo Courtesy of Nancy Rivera
Photo Courtesy of John Koenig during his time in the military
The scooter was presented by Nancy Rivera, Vice President of the Fox Valley Veterans Council, and Dean Koenig, Past Commander of Post 477.
But, that's not all! John was also selected to fly on Old Glory Honor Flight Mission 66 on 17 April 2024. We'd say he's having a pretty good month!
Congratulations and have a great day on your honor flight” (Nancy Rivera, American Legion Post 477, 2024).
Photo Credit Nancy Rivera
Thank you to our board member and fellow veteran Al Verkuylen for securing this donation and coordinating with our Vice President, Nancy Rivera (Also a fellow veteran) to make this scooter donation possible. There were a lot of details and planning on this, and you made it happen!
We are incredibly humbled to hear of such selfless service and dedication in our community. It shows what can happen when teamwork and collaboration meet! To make it even better, John attended the most recent Old Glory Honor Flight to Washington, D.C.
Thank you for your service, John. We hope you enjoy your scooter and the beautiful outdoors this summer.
If you’d like to discuss ways to help support our mission and the veterans we serve, please contact us!